Favorite Scripture

Deuteronomy 1:2
"There are eleven day's journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir unto Kadesh-barnea."
Confused? One of his favorite seminary teachers taught using this as a the preface. She explained that the journey took 40 years, should have taken eleven days as the scripture says. If we are doing what the Lord wants, then our journey doesn't need to take 40 years.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Lost Puppy with a Cause

Dearest of dear people,

This last week was among the most trying of mission life. Well my companion was called by President Dube and he was flown to Harare on Tuesday of last week and he is still there as my fingers speak. He was flown out on Wednesday morning but he was with the zone leaders on Tuesday and so since that time I have been with a branch missionary. He is great but I have really worked on patience. I have been going CRAZY!!!!

So I am without a companion and I have been on baby sitting duty while trying to find my way through an unknown city. Very exciting and very interesting. I feel like a lost puppy..... odd but true. But amongst all the mayhem the Lord has sent miracles our way. We have found a great many people who are prepared for the Gospel and the members are really excited about the work. They have given us a lot of referrals and it has really helped a lot. Just a side note, will you, yes you, give a referral to the missionaries serving in your ward or branch? I promise it will be among the best things to ever happen to that missionary and to you as well. It has been a bit complicated because I am serving in two units whose meeting times are almost the same and I have been praying for a solution. I feel we might be getting another set of missionaries soon to be in the other area.

This one family we just met along the way. I stopped to talk to them and they are a great couple who really love each other and they have two little children. He is a carpenter but because of difficult times he is working at a local bakery but he hopes to have his own carpentry something soon. They both came to church this last Sunday and every time we meet them Bro Mazhindu tells us that he will be joining us and that he looks forward to being with us soon. They are so great and I can't wait until they are baptized.

We have also met this one boy named Kelvin. He is 13 and we taught him the restoration then after the lesson he said one of his friends was interested. So he took us there and we had another lesson. I asked him to teach his friend the Restoration to see how well he understood. So Kelvin started teaching. I think that was one of the best lessons I have ever seen. He is a powerful teacher. He taught the entire Restoration and he was having his friend read and asking him questions and went over how you need to pray to know and I was truly amazed. It was really incredible. The Church is true for sure.

There is even this other family that is progressing well. They were referred to us by the Bishop's wife and they are great as well. The only thing is they didn't come to church and I am not sure why. The younger boy did, he is 16, but the other's didn't but they said they were on their way. But we are scheduled to see them on Tuesday so I am sure we will find out what happened. There is also this other guy named Mncedisi(the c makes a clicky noise). His best friend and him started coming to church over a decade ago, the friend got baptized and they both moved but Mncedisi was never baptized. But he says he now has the desire to be and wants to change. But he has some things to work through. I don't know what exactly but I feel he is struggling with something right now.

Even this other guy Chris, said he went to church in Kwekwe for a month but moved before he got baptized and says he wants to be baptized now. The only thing is that he is a police officer and commitments made it so he couldn't come to church. But there are some very promising things that are happening. I just hope my companion comes as soon as possible. He needs to be a part of all this.

The Harvest is Great and the Laborers are Few....... GO ON MISSION!!!! :D


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