Favorite Scripture

Deuteronomy 1:2
"There are eleven day's journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir unto Kadesh-barnea."
Confused? One of his favorite seminary teachers taught using this as a the preface. She explained that the journey took 40 years, should have taken eleven days as the scripture says. If we are doing what the Lord wants, then our journey doesn't need to take 40 years.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Home Depot?, Sweetest Potatoes, Baptisms and a beating!

So remember how our Landlord was redoing our apartment? Well we had a surplus of times and so we found out the which missionaries needed what and then we took it to them! Beds, couches, chairs, and tables! It was quite the ordeal, but it isn't over yet. The Landlord said he is putting in an office! But we got huge couches and huge beds that I have to climb to get on. Our house is becoming the CLOUD HOUSE. Hahahaha. Fun times. The sisters also had a curtain rod that came out of their wall so we repaired it. I was kind of proud of us after for fixing it. We did a good job. But this week I felt like I worked at Home Depot or something. Delivering furniture and repairing things?(Does Home Depot even have furniture????). But it was really cool. Our house looks a lot different now and it is really cool. I have this image of me being transferred to the worst house in the mission after this! Hahaha wouldn't that be funny? Yes Opposition!

So you remember Ida? The one who read like 10 chapters of the Book of Mormon? She was reading in 2 Nephi 27 last time we checked and she is probably reading in Alma by now! She is doing so great and I can't wait for her to be baptized. Would you believe she calls us to set appointments?She is very proactive about her progression which is a nice thing to see.

This week we went to see the Simwanza family and Sister Simwanza was very ill so she couldn't make it to church last week which was sad. But we gave her a blessing and she got some medicine too. And now is doing great! She made us some sweet potatoes that she had fried. They were amazing! I devoured the plate they gave us and I was asking about how to make such wonderful things. Almost like fries but better! So they are doing great and then on Sunday I see Brother Simwanza and his daughter coming in and guess who else I see? SISTER SIMWANZA!!!! She finally came to church and she loved Conference! This is the very first time she has come and she even had a huge calling in her other church but she finally came and it was amazing! I am pretty sure I looked a bit slow because I had the biggest smile on my face that I am sure people thought I wasn't all there... if you know what I mean. But I was so happy you just wouldn't believe! Oh and by the way Brother Simwanza has been called to serve as 2nd Counselor in the Sunday School Presidency! Did I already tell you that? Anyway he is doing great! And so is the whole family!

Also on Sunday morning before Church we had our baptism. In which, Kennedy Chitalu, who is the little boy in the picture, was baptized! Way cool. We also watched Conference and it was amazing. I love Conference. I still think my quarterly idea is a keeper. But it doesn't really matter what I think about the matter, does it? But yea they were baptized and it is powerful and awesome. They will be confirmed next week because it was Conference this week.

Then on Sunday we found out that 2 of our missionaries were assaulted and beaten! It wasn't bad. I mean it was but they are okay. No lasting damage. Actually they look fine. But they told us about this group of like 4 or 5 guys who were punching them and throwing their bikes at them and one was punched in the head and it was pretty bad. A road was blocked because it was in a road and people were yelling and it was crazy! So we filed a report to the police and before any of you freak out. This isn't common and you have no need to worry. I write of it because it is singular and unique, if it were common then I would feel no need to write of it!

I am doing great and I apologize for the slow mail. It takes longer to get to me here I will reply I promise! If you have a question about where to send it you can go to seakrate.blogspot.com and it is on there! The work is great and thank you! I can't wait to hear back from you!

Love, Elder Steven Gay

PS Stop worrying please...... really I am perfectly safe. I am not exactly small and I have a shiny black badge that comes with a great protection system. Yay!

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